
Saturday, February 20, 2010

I have been very appalled with the attitudes of people in Washington these days. I am seriously thinking that they are not listening to each other or attempting to make an effort. All of us have had the experience of attemting to work with a person who isn't listening and doesn't give a hoot how  people around them are affected by their behavior. It is very frustrating, to say the least...thoughtless... immature...irresponsible...etc. We as Americans need to constantly remind our CongressPeople why they are there, who put them there and what we need and expect of them. And while we are at it, let them know that if they can't deliver we can make sure they get fired. STOP THE GRID LOCK, OPEN YOUR EARS , LISTEN, AND FOCUS ON WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

What is going on in this country and especially in Washington DC. People are creating a gridlock situation around the health care bills and many of the other bills that the House of Representatives have past and they are getting stuck in the Senate. Do people in the Senate know what they are bickering about any more or are they just stuck in the mud and not listening. Obama stated in the State of The Union last week that some programs or approaches aren't working and yet the concept of opening their minds and hearts to another approach is getting stuck. WHAT IS UP WITH THESE PEOPLE??? WHERE ARE THEIR HEARTS? WHERE IS THEIR COMPROMISE ABILITY? ARE THEY THERE FOR THEIR CONSTITUENTS? THE SENATE NEEDS TO START LISTENING.