
Thursday, July 22, 2010

It  has been awhile since I've posted. I would like to change the topic significantly. I have had the opportunity in the last 3 to 4 years .to get to know a person who is in his mid 30's, been in and out of jail, had a rough childhood where the adults around him were not able to see what he needed so he did not get the help he needed when he was young. Would he have been able to avoid many of his experiences with the law and jail if the adults around him as a child been "tuned in?" How many others are in the same situation? How many people recognize that they are in a vicious negative circle but don't know how to break it, or haven't been heard when they ask for help, or don't know who to go to? I have heard people say that there are a number of people in jails and prisons with mental health issues. What sort of rehabilitation programs are available to the prisoners and what kind of follow up support do they have when they get out?