It has been awhile since I've posted. I would like to change the topic significantly. I have had the opportunity in the last 3 to 4 years .to get to know a person who is in his mid 30's, been in and out of jail, had a rough childhood where the adults around him were not able to see what he needed so he did not get the help he needed when he was young. Would he have been able to avoid many of his experiences with the law and jail if the adults around him as a child been "tuned in?" How many others are in the same situation? How many people recognize that they are in a vicious negative circle but don't know how to break it, or haven't been heard when they ask for help, or don't know who to go to? I have heard people say that there are a number of people in jails and prisons with mental health issues. What sort of rehabilitation programs are available to the prisoners and what kind of follow up support do they have when they get out?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I have been very appalled with the attitudes of people in Washington these days. I am seriously thinking that they are not listening to each other or attempting to make an effort. All of us have had the experience of attemting to work with a person who isn't listening and doesn't give a hoot how people around them are affected by their behavior. It is very frustrating, to say the least...thoughtless... immature...irresponsible...etc. We as Americans need to constantly remind our CongressPeople why they are there, who put them there and what we need and expect of them. And while we are at it, let them know that if they can't deliver we can make sure they get fired. STOP THE GRID LOCK, OPEN YOUR EARS , LISTEN, AND FOCUS ON WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS!!!
Posted by Bipartisanship 360 at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
What is going on in this country and especially in Washington DC. People are creating a gridlock situation around the health care bills and many of the other bills that the House of Representatives have past and they are getting stuck in the Senate. Do people in the Senate know what they are bickering about any more or are they just stuck in the mud and not listening. Obama stated in the State of The Union last week that some programs or approaches aren't working and yet the concept of opening their minds and hearts to another approach is getting stuck. WHAT IS UP WITH THESE PEOPLE??? WHERE ARE THEIR HEARTS? WHERE IS THEIR COMPROMISE ABILITY? ARE THEY THERE FOR THEIR CONSTITUENTS? THE SENATE NEEDS TO START LISTENING.
Posted by Bipartisanship 360 at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I have been thinking about having a blog for a number of months and I am so excited to have this opportunity to see it come to fruition. I am a huge supporter of President Barak Obama. It is so awesome to have a pro-active person in the White House. It is very clear to me that he inherited an amazing mess and that he and his team have been working VERY hard to make some major changes so that the people in the country who work hard every day can look forward to making a few steps forward instead of treading water or going backwards as has happened to many of us in the past few years. Although I am struggling financially, I often see people who have alot less. I help them in ways they need if I can and I am thankful for what I have. I am so humbled and grateful for these experiences.
I have been deeply concerned about many of the activities happening in this country that I hear about on the news. I am wondering whether we are a selfish nation and whether many of these activities are of hate, fear and despiration, since we haven't been taught that it is okay to ask for help. Do we know who our neighbors are? Do we take the time in our busy lives to say Hi How are you and truely mean it? I do not believe that we are all here to fend for ourselves. We are all interwoven together and put in a place where our gifts and talents can be used. What is at the root of hate and fear? What is it about us that makes us selfish?
Posted by Bipartisanship 360 at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Myths and Realities of Bipartisanship in D.C
"Sometimes very important, sometimes not important at all. It's obviously flavor of the month right now in Washington because it sounds so nice," responded the Republican from Illinois. Perhaps she should have said flavor of the decade.
As has been the case with many recent presidential elections, Barack Obama campaigned heartily last year on the promise of renewed bipartisanship in Washington. He would appoint Republicans to his cabinet, he said — and did, in the form of incumbent Secretary of Defense Robert Gates — and change party dynamics in Congress.
For all the election rhetoric, though, is today's government really so fractured?
"The current House and Senate are the most polarized since the Civil War," says Keith Poole, professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego.
Other pundits aren't so sure. The current Congress might even be — gasp — one of the most bipartisan in recent history, but only in a few categories such as foreign policy, some experts say.
Despite differing party ideologies, politicians have "reached across the aisle" to varying degrees over the years and probably get along more than we think, many historians agree.
Getting along
Bipartisan cooperation between Democrats and Republicans doesn't have an especially long history, but only because the parties themselves hadn't yet gelled into their modern incarnations until just before the Civil War.
There were no political parties at all when George Washington was president, and the 1832 presidential election saw four candidates running, all for the same party — the Democratic-Republican (seems almost fantastical, doesn't it?). The Democratic Party eventually sprung from that hybrid, and when the Republicans were cobbled together in 1854 from the remnants of the Whig Party and various others, it began the modern age of de facto two-party politics in the United States.
Ideologically very distinct after the Civil War, toeing the party line was the fashion among Democrats and Republicans in the late 19th century, though there were some hints at cooperation. Mr. Republican himself, Abraham Lincoln, appointed a Democrat to the influential position of Secretary of War, and chose another — future president Andrew Johnson — as his running mate in 1864.
As the two party platforms gradually made their way towards the middle of the spectrum in the early part of the 20th century, Democrats and Republicans found more ways of working together, experts say.
The Golden Age of bipartisanship arrived in the 1930s with the Depression and World War II. Franklin Roosevelt appointed not one, but two prominent Republicans to major positions within his war cabinet, both of whom staffed their departments with more card-carrying members of the GOP. Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower were also known for reaching out to their respective opposing parties to pass important legislation related to the Marshall Plan, the controversial aid package that helped rebuild Europe after the war.
Bipartisanship "does not involve the remotest surrender of free debate in determining our position. On the contrary, frank cooperation and free debate are indispensable to ultimate unity," said Republican Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, a famous legislative partner of Truman’s, in 1952.
There was constant debate over policy between the two parties throughout the 1950s and 1960s, but always with an underlay of camaraderie, historians say.
Partisan bickering blown out of proportion?
Democrat and Republican relations began to splinter, however, in the 1960s. The Vietnam War and civil rights votes tested allegiances, while the Watergate scandal in the 1970s led Democrats to distance themselves further from the party of Richard Nixon.
Things got progressively nastier on Capitol Hill, as a result. Politicians who crossed party lines became the exception. In those decades, partisan bickering also began to get blown out of proportion by the increasingly sensational news media, Martin said.
"I think we're forgetting something else that's very different today, and that's if suddenly every member of Congress and president and the president's staff — as difficult is this to believe — all became dear and nice, we'd still be watching screaming matches on television; we'd still be reading in the newspapers awful, dreadful things," she said in 1997.
The way Congressmen and women began to campaign in the 1970s through the 90s made the relationship between Democrats and Republicans seem more cantankerous, even when they were aligned in their actual voting patterns, added former Republican Sen. David Pryor.
"I think that it is the civility that worries me so much more than the rising statistics of partisanship votes in the past twenty or thirty years in the House and Senate. It's the lack of civility or the growing incivility," Pryor said in that same PBS interview. "Thirty years ago we would never think of going into a state and campaigning against one of our colleagues, for example, who's our seat mate maybe at the lunch counter or down in the senate dining room," he continued.
Though the Congress currently sitting in Washington, D.C., seems to have grown even further apart, according to a voting map created by Poole, partisanship might still be exaggerated by the media.
Indeed, though ideologies may seem more dissimilar than ever, on the most controversial votes of recent years — the invasion of Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, the Bailout Bill — the White House got more than enough and sometimes overwhelming support from its Democratic "rivals."
Posted by Bipartisanship 360 at 10:52 AM 0 comments